How Much Is Enough?

How much is enough to be happy? I recently read an anecdote about authors Kurt Vonnegut and Joseph Heller. They were both at a party hosted by a billionaire on Shelter Island. Vonnegut told Heller that their host made more money in one day than Heller had earned from all sales of his successful and well-loved novel Catch-22 throughout its history. “Yes,” Heller responded, “but I have something he will never have…enough.” 

Great response! We all need food, clothing, and shelter. Beyond those basics, how much is enough?

What’s your motivation?

Ambition and hard work are important, but what’s more important is this: to what end?

  • Is it to prove to someone that you are worthy?

  • Are you trying to amass a great fortune?

  • What will you do with it?

  • How much is enough? 

We’ve all known people who enjoy buying gadgets or clothes or redoing their homes, or eating delicious meals, or going on fun vacations. Are you truly enjoying your life, or looking for an external way to feel good? How much is enough? Do you return from vacation thinking, “That was really fun! I recharged my internal batteries, and now I’m ready to get back to my regular life with more purpose and drive.” Or do you return from vacation thinking, “More, more, more!”—even if you took off for three weeks? 

Are you prioritizing obligation? Or satisfaction?

If you’re not having a sense of satisfaction in your life, if you’re working hard at something that’s not enjoyable, if you don’t know how to have fun, we should talk. Because life is about prioritizing your satisfaction. If you don’t know how to enjoy what you have, getting more of it won’t help your enjoyment. 

Have you taken the time to figure out what brings YOU pleasure?

Reach out to me and let’s explore together what makes YOU tick!

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What’s the Role of Worry and Anxiety in Your Life?


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