Holiday Gatherings: Fun, or Frustration?
Anxiety & Trauma Diane Spear Anxiety & Trauma Diane Spear

Holiday Gatherings: Fun, or Frustration?

With the holiday season ahead, you may be making plans, drawing up a guest list, planning your flights, wrapping up work projects, testing new recipes for your festive meal, all of the things to ensure a fun and relaxing gathering for yourself, family, and friends.

Some of us have close and loving relationships with our families. Some have strained family relationships and lots of tension. Others have walked away from abusive families and have warm relationships with friends that they consider family by choice.

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The Importance of Therapy for Therapists

The Importance of Therapy for Therapists

Sigmund Freud once said: “Anyone who wishes to practice analysis should first submit to be analyzed himself by a competent person.” This is not to suggest that only good therapists go to therapy. However, it does highlight an important concept. Since everyone struggles from time to time, why would a therapist be immune from this reality?

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What You Need to Know & Understand About GAD

What You Need to Know & Understand About GAD

Anxiety is a normal, inevitable, and often helpful human emotion. Anxiety is the most common mental health disorder in the world. Yes, these two facts can be true. And yes, these facts alone feel like cause enough to feel anxious! However, understanding your own experience primarily comes down to the degree to which you feel anxiety.

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